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Monday, April 8, 2013

Hunter at 3 1/2

Even crazier than Hudson being 7 months? Hunter being 3 and a half today! Oh how I love this little boy that made me a mommy. He never ceases to amaze me and make me so proud.

Hunter has changed so much in the last few months. He has developed so much compassion since becoming a big brother. He heart is so tender and sweet. He looks after Hudson and often puts a pacifier back in Hudson's mouth before I can. He's starting to show interest in learning how to put Hudson's hearing aids in, too. I just love how he's learning to serve others through being a big brother.

He's also grown so much since we've moved to Oklahoma in developing a love for his Savior. He talks about Jesus, prays with so much enthusiasm (usually), asks to pray over his brother for healing, and has started lifting up with hands to worship God. Really, what could make a mom more proud?!


He is no doubt a mama's boy. He cuddles on my lap as much as I let him. He gives hugs and kisses so freely and often tells me "Mommy you are my favorite" "Mommy you are my best friend" or "Mommy I love you soooo much". Melts my heart so much. I eat it up and try to cherish these moments because I know they won't last forever.

He does love doing "boy" things with daddy. They go drive in the country scouting for animals, complete with Hunter's own pair of binoculars to spot them out the window. They go check feeders to turkey hunting, eat gas station pizza and sour worms, and watching movies together.

Hunter's doing really well at preschool. He goes two mornings a week. He's been working on his letters and learning some bible verses. He's starting to show interest in writing his name. He has the "H" and "U" down pretty well, but needs me to help him with the rest.

He's sleeping well at night, but is a bit of a night owl. He usually falls asleep around 9:30pm and sleeps until about 8am. He's fighting nap time hard, so he usually only takes a nap when we happen to be in the car in the late afternoon, then I can usually transfer him to the couch for a longer nap.

He's a terrible eater. He just likes to snack and doesn't like many "dinner" foods. We're starting to crack down and this. He eats what's on his plate or he doesn't eat anything else for the rest of the night. This has caused some major tantrums, but it's getting a bit easier. A lot of times, he'll go back to his dinner a couple hours later and eat some of it.

He's really finding his will and can be a bit defiant a times. He is testing the boundaries by arguing and disagreeing with things Jesse and I tell him. I usually put him in timeout until he is ready to stop arguing and agree with what we told him. For example; Yesterday he wanted a cookie. I said no, but he went int he kitchen, got one, and told me "I CAN have a cookie." He went in timeout until he would say "I cannot have a cookie."

Overall, he's such an easy going and good natured kid. He's a joy and I'm so blessed to be his mom.


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Jesse is active duty Air Force and is originally from southern Minnesota. He has also managed to become a follower of just about every hobby known to man (which drives his wife crazy!).

Henry was born on July 4, 2007. His hobbies include playing with his squeaker toys, barking a little girls, dock jumping, going to the dog park, and being spoiled rotten by his grandparents.

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